Wednesday, March 25, 2015

First official poem entry! Yay!

Even though Ma'am Donna said Binary Algebra was the last time we were going to encounter "math", I wasn't exactly relieved because I know they almost always save the hardest for last. So when I saw the abstract concepts and proving whatnot, I basically died. The fact that it's also my "hell week" didn't help either. So, to ease my mind off some of the stress, I turned to writing (which I don't think I should publish here yet because they're barely understandable.) Instead, I'll post something different.

I'd like to share something I did in high school. We were once tasked to either write a sonnet in iambic pentameter, a 14-stanza ballad and I forgot the other one. So I chose a ballad which was the easiest to do (at the time anyway). Hope you enjoy a little something from me!

Unedited. I swear the reason it feels so rushed was because back then (heck even now) I feel like 14 stanzas aren't enough to fully flesh out the story. But I digress.


My name is Tina, Tammy’s granddaughter

At sixty years old, she hasn’t lost all her luster
One day, a man with a keen eye
Came to visit while she lay chicken to fry

The man said, “Ma’am you’ve got information we need

“So we can solve this case to form a new lead”
Tammy sighed, “Come and sit down
“There are many things that will make you frown”

The man sat down and spoke aloud

“Robert Kent murdered two people and left with a black shroud
“Lead was because of adultery from his wife
“And used force to end a precious life

“He was found covered in blood and grime

“In front of two corpses who committed a crime
“One was his wife with lifeless eyes
“The other, her lover, whom she fed with lies

“Murder happened at Georgia at midnight

“A time when everyone is filled with fright
The man stopped himself and shuddered
“That’s all the information we have recovered”

Tammy smiled with a cold glow

“But there’s much more to know”
She stood up and went to her old cabinet
“Robert was my brother who loved to bet”

She showed us newspaper clippings from 1949

“He loved his wife but she crossed the line
“Sleeping with another man was one thing
“But what she did was no one time fling

“So I took daddy’s old pistol and ran with fear

“To Robert’s summerhouse by the pier
“I left a note for him, just in case
“So he can prepare for what was to face

“I shot the couple”, she said with an angered heart

“But he came before I finished the cleaning part
“Soon I heard Robert scream behind the sirens”
‘Go’, he said, and I ran through the dens

“You killed the two but your brother was punished,” he said

“He was hanged and in a minute was proclaimed dead”
“All of this, Tina,” she said, “is true”
and I stared at my grandmother, the grandmother I never knew

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What Really Happens in College

What Really Happens in College
Sometimes I'm Haibara, sometimes I'm Conan. There's no inbetween. (Click to visit my profile)